Anand Ramamoorthy
2 min readJun 29, 2021

When Life Hands You an Avocado, Be Curious!

Photo by Disiana Caballero on Unsplash

Curiosity can be a saving grace.

When directed towards the cosmos, curiosity helps us transcend what Einstein called “the merely personal”.

Photo by Cosmic Timetraveler on Unsplash

In life we are all constrained by Time and subject to existential weather, which is often capricious. Curiosity bequeaths upon us a resilience that is undiminished by such externals.

Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

The consequence of connecting with the universe through childlike curiosity is a joy that is a grand equaliser, and a love that needs no assurance.

Photo by Yuriy Bogdanov on Unsplash

Next time life hands you an avocado, first, make guacamole and second, be curious. An avocado can evoke grand ideas from evolution to the relentless dance of energy that links it to the big bang (in a manner of speaking, not being mystical here), to the curious fact of of how it is experienced differently by different humans (“does everyone see the same shade of green?”…what is the nature of this experience?).

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

May your mind delight in the wonders of this world, large and small, and may your life be blessed with the joy of discovery. Ask why, how and what. Always.